Daddy's Bombay Toast

 Daddy's Bombay Toast 

Ingredients :

4 eggs beaten in a bowl

6 tablespoon of milk powder 

1 teaspoon of salt

3 tablespoon of brown sugar 

9 teaspoon of salted butter

10 slices of bread

2 cups of water

Methods :

1. Beat 4 eeggs into a bowl 

2. Pour 2 cups of water into the beaten eggs 

3. Add the milk powder , sugar and salt 

4. Mix well until it become solvent and smooth

5. Heat the pan with some salted butter

6. Dip a slice of bread into the mixture

7. Put the dipped sliced bread on the pan 

8. Wait til the bread turns golden brown

9. Put the toast on a plate and the Bombay toast is ready to be served ! 
